We have a "/usr/sbin/squid -k rotate" on logrotate.d and everyday it
seems to give this "assetion failed" right after it..
And this seems to make squid completely unstable because this kid6 is a
disker... (SMP - 5 workers, 3 diskers...)
2018/11/20 00:25:11 kid6| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2018/11/20 00:25:11 kid6| Finished. Wrote 0 entries.
2018/11/20 00:25:11 kid6| Took 0.00 seconds ( 0.00 entries/sec).
2018/11/20 00:25:11 kid6| logfileRotate: daemon:/var/log/squid/access.log
2018/11/20 00:25:11 kid6| logfileRotate: daemon:/var/log/squid/access.log
Please report this to our bugzilla. This looks very similar to
<https://bugs.squid-cache.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4796> but is definitely a
different bug.
If you can replicate the problem on a proxy not actually handling
traffic please supply a cache.log produced with debug_options ALL,9.
Otherwise if ALL,8 is too large please supply a cache log made with
ALL,6 - or at minimum "ALL,2 5,5 50,5 51,5 92,5". We need to know what
FD number is being allocated with the socket and everything Squid has
previously been doing with that FD number.